Florida Tropical Virtual Training Week 2024
Florida Tropical Virtual Training Week 2024
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
Via National Weather Service
What’s Going On?
Your National Weather Service meteorologists across the state of Florida are teaming-up before the peak of hurricane season to review recommended tropical readiness, preparedness, response and recovery actions. We want to TEACH you about tropical weather forecast products and how to properly interpret them. We want to REACH you where you are! Wherever home is and whatever stage of life you are in, tropical readiness is critical if you live in the state of Florida. That’s why we are offering 4 virtual training sessions daily that ANYONE can attend – you just need access to a mobile device or computer.
To help keep YOU in the tropical-weather-know so you and yours can respond appropriately when tropical weather hazards threaten. We want to make weather forecast products meaningful and actionable, so you know how to interpret the information and then make the best safety decisions possible for you and yours.
Who Can Attend?
Anyone! The training is free; you just need to register in advance. Up to 1,000 people can register for each training session, and we are offering 4 training sessions each day. Please know that this information is tailored for Florida residents, as we reference resources from the Florida Division of Emergency Management. However, much of the tropical training material is relevant for all living in path of tropical cyclones.
Register for Daily Sessions Below!
Register for a daily session & time slot via the links below. Virtual classes will be 1 hour long and begin at 11 am EDT, 1 pm EDT, 7 pm EDT and 9 pm EDT. Given the large number of attendees, all will be muted through the presentation. Attendees will have the ability to chat with NWS meteorologists and post questions for your local NWS office via this Google Form. We will respond to the questions as soon as possible either during the training week or after via email.
UPDATE 7/19/2024: Morning Sessions are near FULL. Please consider registering for afternoon & evening sessions.