Venice S. Jetty walkway structure update
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
Hurricane Idalia severely damaged the South Jetty walkway structure in August 2023. The walkway has been closed to the public since the storm due to the numerous large drop-offs along the edge of the walkway. The South Jetty structure is owned managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, working together with the West Coast Inland Navigation District (WCIND), which is the local navigation management agency.
In mid-May, the City of Venice was advised that the Army Corps is planning to mobilize a construction crew and utilize limestone rock made available by WCIND to make temporary repairs on the South Jetty walkway. The estimated timeline for the work to begin is July 23-25. It is the City’s hope that these rock repairs will allow for the walkway to be reopened to the public after that work is completed.
The City will continue to update the public on the progress of this project as it receives more information from the Army Corps.