Suncoast: Police Department Creates an Elder Fraud Unit to Prevent Scams

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC




As Chief of Police, I’ve dedicated my career to protecting and serving our community. Yet, a destructive threat hides in the shadows, preying on the vulnerable among us: elder fraud. It’s a grave injustice that strikes at the very heart of our society, robbing our elders of their hard-earned savings, security, and peace of mind. An FBI report released in April 2024 indicates that scammers stole more than $3.4 billion from Americans aged 60 and older last year, and these are only the reported incidents. This staggering amount is only increasing as the evolving sophistication of tactics to trick the vulnerable into giving up their life savings draws in more and more victims. The resource booklet provided below exemplifies the resolve of the Bradenton Police Department to challenge these criminal enterprises. You will find information to assist you in navigating the complexities of financial exploitation, offering resources and support to help you safeguard your hard-earned assets and maintain your financial independence.


Elder fraud takes many forms – from phone scams to internet fraud – and perpetrators often operate with strategic planning and preparation. Through collaboration with financial institutions, regulatory agencies, dedicated advocates, senior outreach, and targeted investigatory work, BPD hopes to show our commitment to those older citizens who helped make our Bradenton community what it is today. To the broader community of elderly individuals, I implore you to arm yourselves with knowledge and awareness to fend off the deceitful tactics of fraudsters. Your financial security and well-being are paramount, and our collective responsibility is to ensure that you can age with dignity and peace of mind.


I challenge each of you to report any suspicions of fraud to yourself or someone you know. Do not be ashamed to come forward; we can’t help if we don’t know. Remain vigilant in safeguarding yourselves and your loved ones against financial exploitation. Let us work together to fight this crime, ensuring our elders can live their golden years with the security and dignity they deserve.


Chief of Police Melanie Bevan, Ed.D.