City of Sarasota Vice Mayor responds to residents concern over noise levels coming from Sarasota High
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
Hi all,
Thanks for your email.
Continuing to communicate and work with the school and the school board is recommended but you may also want to think about a regularly scheduled comittee (made up of members from the school and the neighbours) meeting to work through the issues on an ongoing basis and issuing a report on a regular basis. This has been done in the past in the City and seemed to work well to make sure all were communicating and working towards solutions. Plus, it might be a useful tool to others in similar situations.
It is my understanding that the City has no authority over the sound from the schools. It is also my understanding the City could reclassify schools and potentially have some voice in the conversation, but that is a whole different and long term discussion and process – certainly not helpful for the immediate future. But, I am not a lawyer, so I have copied the City Attorney on this email to comment if I have misunderstood or missed some important information.
Thank you for your reasonable approach.
Jen Ahearn-Koch
Vice Mayor / City Commissioner At-Large
City of Sarasota
On Mar 29, 2024, at 9:22 AM, linda wrote:
Greetings AVNA Board,
As you know, the noise issue with Sarasota High School, specifically that from sporting events at both East and West campus, continues. Sometimes it’s fine; sometimes not. I recall that Maureen and Lisa both had been working on this a bit quite a while ago. It is also clear that quite a few residents — NOT just Steve! — consider this an unresolved, ongoing issue. Many afternoons when I am reading in my garden, the stadium PA BLASTS into action with “Club Sarasota” DJ set list top pop hits music, which deprives me of my quiet and peaceful enjoyment of my property, so to speak, and I give up and leave. It used to be just during football season, but lately it’s often every afternoon! AVNA represents all residents, so even if not a personal issue for some on the Board, AVNA needs to step up and represent!
SHS has claimed that they have given out direct numbers to one single “squeaky wheel” neighbor to call whenever this occurs. I’m not sure that is the case, and in any event, all neighbors need to know this information.
Here’s one small step towards resolution that I am asking AVNA to take, since we still don’t have an official SHS-AVNA liaison on the SHS side:
Please, in your next AVNA email blast, include a blurb acknowledging that some residents continue to be plagued by noise issues with SHS, and inform them that when and if the need arises, they should call the Sarasota School Security number, 941-966-7233, right away.
It isn’t my intent to burden SHS security with this problem, but until they-the-Schools provide us with a better way to deal with this problem, I see little better recourse.
I believe most of us can agree that most noises caused by a large school next door are, quite reasonably, to be expected (and I actually love hearing the MSB: Mighty Sailors Band), however can we acknowledge that in some instances the type and/or volume of sound is NOT reasonable? SHS is our neighbor, not our “enemy,” and for the most part, I think we have decent relations. But when issues arise, I wish we had a better avenue to communicate as good neighbors should… must. [ah, if wishes were horses, then beggars would ride]
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