Venice residents voice concerns over health issues and damage to their homes, due a slower than normal drainage of stormwater runoff  


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Venice residents voice concerns over health issues and damage to their homes, due a slower than normal drainage of stormwater runoff

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
**** Update ****
Thank you for writing to the council with your concerns. I have placed this matter on the council’s agenda next week. I will be asking that the council direct staff to make a presentation on the problem and any possible solutions or improvements that we might make in the area.
Ron Smith

From: Tony Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2024 10:10:19 AMTo: City Council <[email protected]>Cc: Board and Council Messages <[email protected]>Subject: email for the attention of Mayor Pachota Flooding issue zone 5


Attention of Mayor Pachota,


I have been nominated by a group of residents on the Flamingo drive to help address the flooding that has been occurring in our neighborhood. I am taking on this role as a volunteer with the other 5 nominated residents to address this issue with Venice City.  The other 4 group nominated leaders will also express their concerns and what issues their residents nominate.


 The reason for this email is the residents impacted currently sit in zone 5 of the storm water map of Venice. A number of the residents have already experienced street or home flooding or slower than normal drainage of stormwater runoff and health related issues as a result of the stagnant water. This is occurring during non named storms and with climate change will become a more frequent occurrence.


We would kindly ask that the city address zone 5 as the current system of draining into the flamingo ditch is not a suitable method and should not be used as a stormwater prevention method as the current outflow is 9.5ft and the lowest home on Flamingo currently sits at around 5.5ft, effectively meaning that this problematic stormwater drainage method will result in continued flooding on this property and others in the neighbourhood. In addition to the access requirement of elderly residents that often are reliant upon services to be able to access their home for medical related issues.


Please note we are not talking about hurricanes or named storms, we are merely asking for a resolution on stormwater runoff for an ineffective method on zone 5 that floods private properties on a regular basis.


I would also like to express our sincere thanks for all the hard work of venice city as I truly believe everyone in the City works hard to help address any issues residents may incur.
Kind regards Anthony


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