Venice resident is not happy with Roger Clark (planning dept.) pushing ADU permitting, under the guise of creating affordable housing

Venice resident is not happy with Roger Clark (planning dept.) pushing ADU permitting, under the guise of creating affordable housing
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
From: Sue Lang <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2024 12:11:03 PM To: Edward Lavallee <[email protected]>; James Clinch <[email protected]>; Roger Clark <[email protected]>; City Council <[email protected]> Cc: Board and Council Messages <[email protected]> Subject: xxxx Riviera Street – ADU Permit?
i understand there is a permit application to build an ADU at xxx Riviera St. The lot is approx. 11,625sq ft and the gross area of the existing structure according to the Appraiser is 1706 sq ft. Without the new ADU regulation an owner could build up to 35% of the lot which in this case equals 4068 sq ft. Minus the existing 1706 sq ft this leaves 2362sq ft that could be built without the ADU provision.
The owner does not live in this house. He owns 2 other single family homes in Venice that he also does not appear to live in as he is homesteaded along with family of same name in Nokomis.
Is he planning to build a separate house that will be rented to unrelated folks, i.e. not really an Accessory use by common definition, but a separate second dwelling unit that turns this single family property into a two family land use??
This should not happen. Multi family rental structures should be in multi family zones, not single family zones.
Mr. Clark has said that ADU’s were his idea. No one has seen any research or analysis that supports the need for ADU’s in Venice. This is not in the Comp Plan. The existing provision to build up to 35 % of a lot not counting second stories was more than ample for anyone who wanted to increase their living space or build an “accessory” dwelling such as an in law unit.
Originally Mr. Clark also said that ADU’s would provide affordable housing. There are no provisions or controls in the ADU regulations that insure that they would be used as affordable housing even if it made sense in single family zones, which it doesn’t. People already had the ability to rent out their home, rent out guest rooms, have roommates, inlaw accommodations, etc. if they were in need. Lately Mr. Clark is saying they aren’t necessarily about providing affordable housing. Why on earth would we turn our single family zoned neighborhoods into multi family just so some investor owner can make money renting out two units instead of one??
This is the short term, vacation rental fiasco all over. There is also nothing stopping these units from being set up as dormitories housing up to 6 unrelated adults. This is not in keeping with the characteristics and expectations of single family zoned neighborhoods. Housing for workers should be in multi family zoned rental properties…
This ADU regulation needs to be repealed immediately before we have a problem similar to what led to Venice passing an Ordinance curbing short term/vacation rentals in single family homes…
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