Sarasota Police Department reveals new patch with City Seal



Sarasota Police Department reveals new patch with City Seal

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


The Sarasota Police Department is rolling out a new patch, affixed with the City of Sarasota seal, which was approved in November 2022. As the department updates its branding, residents will see Sarasota Police officers wearing the new patch on their sleeves.


The rollout will be lengthy, but Sarasota Police want the public to be aware of the new look.


The original seal, a symbol of our city since its incorporation in 1902, has been thoughtfully updated. The new seal pays tribute to our iconic waterfront’s natural splendor and proudly carries Sarasota’s 120-year-old motto, “May Sarasota Prosper.”


The final seal was a collaboration between DreamLarge and City of Sarasota resident Rachel Manzano, a contest participant whose design was recognized by the City Commission.



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