Englewood: Illegal Immigrant Arrested Following Sexual Assault  



Englewod: Illegal Immigrant Arrested Following Sexual Assault – Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC




A man who is in the US illegally was arrested on charges of sex battery at a hotel in Englewood, FL.


Just after 9:00pm on Sunday, February 25, deputies responded to a call from a woman who stated that she had just been raped. She went on to state that she and the victim were talking and she invited him to her room for a couple of drinks. According to the victim, it was at that time that the suspect pushed her onto the bed and forced himself on her without a contraceptive. The suspect fled from the scene immediately after, and the victim noted that he was darker-skinned and wearing a bright yellow jacket.


As the victim was transported to a local hospital for treatment, deputies secured the scene and began to investigate. A review of security camera footage showed the suspect, later identified as Santo Felix Cruz-Ramos (09/26/1998), wearing the bright yellow jacket, talking to the victim and then following her back to her room. A short time later, Cruz-Ramos is seen running from the room toward a stairwell.


Deputies spoke with the hotel manager who advised that Cruz-Ramos is a guest and provided the room number where he was staying. The deputies made contact at that room with Cruz-Ramos and two other men. Cruz-Ramos was now wearing a red hooded sweatshirt and he advised that he had just gotten out of the shower. During questioning, the suspect denied ever speaking with the victim, following her to her room, or engaging in intercourse with anyone. When confronted with the video footage, Cruz-Ramos denied that the person in the video was him and stated that he did not even own a yellow jacket. It was at this time that he also advised that he was in the United States illegally.


The two roommates both identified Cruz-Ramos as the person in the video and confirmed that he was the owner of the yellow jacket seen in it as well. Deputies did observe the jacket in the room.


“I don’t care where you’re from. If you come to Charlotte County and you commit a crime, especially one as heinous as this, you will face consequences for that action. I want to commend the victim for her courage to come forward with this. It is not an easy to thing to do, and because she did, we can make sure that he doesn’t do this to anyone else here.”


Santo Felix Cruz-Ramos was placed under arrest and transported to the Charlotte County Jail. The clothing and personal effects seen in the video were collected as evidence, and a search warrant was granted for the collection of DNA samples from his person as well. He is being held at the Jail without bond and Border Patrol has been contacted regarding his status.


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