Photo: Flickr, creative commons


Fast food restaurants with drive throughs to be allowed on Venice island.

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


Friends and concerned citizens. This is a dangerous and unacceptable situation for historic Venice. Contact your city council asap. Just ask Why? This is not anything I wanted to take on but it’s just stupid. Please consider coming to the next CC meeting 1/23 @ 9 am City Hall And speak. Or [email protected]


They probably won’t respond and I’ve given them a shot across the bow. It went to everyone at city hall and the local paper. Come on Chris A, don’t pass it on. ( Warm and I mean warm) regards,


Tommye. Whittaker




Hi Roger,


Quick question. Did the Planning Commission sneak this idea of drive through fast food restaurants on island (3 times) into the new LDRs? Or was it Jeff Shrum’s idea? Sorry I didn’t catch it sooner but then again, it’s 600 pages.


We all know about the Chick Fil A gentleman wants his franchise near his possible hotel. I know about the State giving builders and developers permission to build after the hurricanes till 2026. But please, enlighten me as to why any of you think that this is a good idea. Have you ever been to a Chick Fil A? It is wildly popular and very, very busy. And you want to consider it near a bridge?


I have no problem with the hotel but touting the John Nolan Plan and historical Venice a la the Centennial celebration and even considering this is is unconscionable.


You have no right to celebrate Mr. Nolan by allowing fast food restaurants on island. He’d be turning in his grave.


What did you build the bypass for? Put the gentleman and his franchise over there. Give him a great deal where the former Sonny’s is.


You all owe the community answers. Regards,


Tommye Whittaker


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