Concern over a student school threat with a map of a school and naming teachers that should be eliminated at a Sarasota school

Concern over a student school threat with a map of a school and naming teachers that should be eliminated at a Sarasota school
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
Below is an email with certain identifiers that I edited out, to respect the emailers wish to remain anonymous. The names of the teachers and student were provided to me, but I am withholding them from this article. I contacted the SPD, but they did not have any information, stating they were not involved with this incident and the PIO referred me to the SRO. I reached out to the Sarasota County School Board PIO. Kelsey confirmed that the email went out about the threat and sent me a copy of it, which is below. Kelsey referred me to the SRO or local police for the other information. I put in a request to the SRO via their FOIA site (request number is PR2023-656) and at this point have not heard back. To be honest with you, I doubt they will provide or verify the information. If they do provide some additional information, I will share their response. So, much of the information in the email has not been validate. In this type of situation, I tend to cut out a lot of information and put out the posting in a very general manner, without providing any names and some specific information. Viewing it is as more or less scoop, versus news.
I am sorry this email is going to be long, but I want you to have all the information that I have at this point. I must give you the history on this kid, so you have a full understanding of what is going on……………….
Present Day: A student that has trouble in the past within the educational system is now attending Sarasota Middle and last week he was removed from the school for violent behavior, acting like he was shooting kids with his hands acting like guns. The SRO at Sarasota middle notified the authorities, and they went to his house Thursday night and ended up Baker Acting the student. They found weapons at the house that were not under lock & Key. The most disturbing thing they found was a map that he had made showing a layout of Lakeview Elementary with all the cameras circled. A layout of a teacher’s classroom with the words written on it “Eliminate xxxx” and layout of xxxx room with “Eliminate xxx” (both are teachers) on it and a layout of his 5th grade teachers’ room also. This was written on the back of a meet the teacher handout that was given to the students last week.
Two teachers were pulled out of their classes on Friday and met with their Principal Lisa Wheatley and a detective from Sarasota were given all this information and were shown copies of the map. From my understanding the School Board had an emergency meeting on Saturday.
There was a call to all the parents at Lakeview that said that there was a threat at the school, but all was OK now. Yesterday there were 199 students who did not go to school today at Lakeview Elementary. The school had an emergency meeting this morning with Officer or Chief from the police (I do not know who it was). They were told that the kid has not been released from Bayside. They were also told that the kid just made a mistake.
Good evening Lakeview families,
This is Principal, Mrs. Wheatley, with a brief message about school safety & security.
We’ve been made aware of a potential threat made against our school that has been intercepted by district staff and local law enforcement. Per the school district’s safety procedures, our school-based police department and local law enforcement partners are engaged in an ongoing investigation regarding this matter. It is important to note that there currently is no active threat to the school community. However, out of an abundance of caution, we will assign additional district staff on campus tomorrow.
As needed, we’ll be sure to share additional updates as more information becomes available. Please know that the school district takes every threat, real or perceived, very seriously and will thoroughly investigate each one. Thank you so much to those who came forward after learning of this alleged threat. Please continue to encourage your student to always share any concerning information they may hear or see with an adult immediately.
We take the safety and security of our students, teachers, staff members, and school community seriously and are working hand in hand with district leadership to address this matter. We appreciate your partnership in keeping our kids safe and look forward to a very productive day of learning tomorrow!
Lisa Wheatley
Lakeview Elementary School
From what I understand the authorities got an order from the judge to confiscate the weapons from the house, but the father just went out and bought a gun safe. As you have guessed the teacher’s union has also got involved in this also.
I want you to totally understand where I am coming from on this issue. I am totally in favor of our 2nd amendment rights. I am in favor of parent’s rights when it comes to what is being taught to our children. With all being said, I must ask the question “Have we not learned anything from the horrible things that have happened in this country”? I know and agree with privacy laws to a certain point. I know that the school board has to CTA and the last thing we want is a riot of scared parents or students. I hope all the authorities are doing exactly what needs to be done at this point.
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