Suncoast: Missing Runaway Juveniles – Esteban Flores and Jasmin Gonzalez
Suncoast: Missing Runaway Juveniles – Esteban Flores and Jasmin Gonzalez
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
Bradenton Police:
Have you seen Esteban Flores and Jasmin Gonzalez? The 13-year-old cousins were last seen at their home in the 800 block of 22nd Ave. W. at approximately midnight. Relatives found a note from the cousins at 5:45 this morning, stating they’d run away. Esteban is 5’2″, 100 lbs., and Jasmin is 4’11”, 120 lbs. If you have any information on where Esteban and Jasmin are, please call BPD at 941-932-9300. You can also contact Det. Dalia Santana at 941-932-9355 or [email protected].
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