North Venice Neighborhood Alliance needs our support and voice at city meetings taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
Good afternoon, all,
Quality of life and a promise is at stake tomorrow and Wednesday at Venice City Hall. When a developer promises your community ten tranquil acres of walking and bike paths and an estuary full of 35+ species of birds only to renege for 75,000 square feet of a shopping center and the destruction of wetlands, it’s time to, once again, ask why? And why would our City Council members say yes? Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt but offer our voices/emails.
The City of Venice has changed dramatically over these last ten years, growing exponentially. Often considered progress, and many say, “What can I do? The big developers and their lawyers always win.” But we know better. You’ve got to grab the tiger by the tail(Pat Neal) and state the obvious. “Why do we need a 47,000 square feet Publix when two are nearby? One is 1.8 miles from most of these developments, and the other Publix is 4.8 miles. A grande total of 75,000 feet worth of must-have nail salons and mobile phone kiosks. As Charlie Brown says, “Good grief.”
Venice Unites wouldn’t have gotten enough petitions signed without the tremendous support from NVNA. We must show our solidarity with them as well. And honestly, it’s an easy choice. Who wants flooding from lack of soil, birds losing their wetlands, overgrowth, and lack of water in the water table? The list goes on and on.
So please, wear your T-shirt, red or blue and be at city hall. If you can’t, please write to the City Council members you concerns about overdevelopment. Thank you for your continued support. Tommye Whittaker Venice Thrives member
Tuesday City Hall City Council meeting 9-11:00 general meeting.
12:30-??? PUD to change North Venice area and allow a 75,0000 square feet strip mall with Publix anchor.
Wednesday 9 am possible spillover from the Pat Neal PUD change
Or contact Venice City Council members: [email protected]