Sarasota Police Department welcomes 10 new officers

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


This morning, Thursday, March 30, 2023, Sarasota Police Chief Rex Troche held a swearing-in ceremony for 10 new Police Officers.  The ceremony was held at the Robert L. Taylor Community Complex for the first time. 

The following Officers join the Sarasota Police Department as 2nd Class Probation:

  • Marlon Bravo
  • Michael Daughtrey
  • Kasey Dougan
  • Derrick Duncan
  • Alec Evedon
  • Jade Fukunaka
  • Greg Harkay
  • Paige Thevenin
  • Juan Vaquera-Torres
  • Thomas Wishart

The new officers will begin their Field Training Program with Field Training officers for several months.  Video of today’s swearing-in ceremony can be found on the Sarasota Police Department YouTube page at

Additional photos can be found on the Sarasota Police Department Facebook page at