Potential public-private partnership for Warm Mineral Springs Park



Potential public-private partnership for Warm Mineral Springs Park

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



CITY OF NORTH PORT, FL – The City of North Port is moving to the evaluation and negotiation phase with WMS Development Group LLC as it explores a potential public-private partnership for the future of Warm Mineral Springs Park after receiving no other competitive bids.

On Sept. 12, 2022, the City of North Port received two unsolicited public private partnership (P3) conceptual proposals related to Warm Mineral Springs Park. The City Commission accepted the conceptual proposal from WMS Development Group LLC for substantive review. Following that, at the Nov. 22, 2022, meeting, the detailed proposal was reviewed and accepted after the Commission made the preliminary determination that the proposal is for a facility or project that serves a public purpose and meets the definition of a “qualifying project” in Florida Statutes Section 255.065(1)(i).

On Jan. 18, 2023, the City Manager provided notification to WMS Development Group LLC that the detailed proposal had been submitted for competitive review. After being extended by three business days at the request of an interested potential responder, RFP 2023-14, Warm Mineral Springs Public Private Partnership Project closed on March 20, 2023, at 2 p.m. without receiving any additional qualifying proposals. As there are no other competitive bids to review, the City will now begin the evaluation and negotiation phase of this process with WMS Development Group, LLC.

“The City is interested in a partnership that aligns with our shared vision for the future of the springs and enhances and protects this important asset without burdening City taxpayers,” said City Manager, Jerome Fletcher. “We are excited to bring a higher quality experience to Warm Mineral Springs while preserving the cultural and environmental value of this historical site.”

Staff from all Departments within the City have been contributing their expertise to this project and are ensuring the appropriate studies are completed. At this stage, the independent research includes a geotechnical study, statistically valid community survey for public feedback and a wildlife survey. Per City Ordinance, the City Manager has established a negotiations team concerning the P3 qualifying project and chosen a firm to provide required evaluation and input for this proposal and throughout the negotiation process.

In conjunction with the evaluation and review of the proposal, Comprehensive Plan amendment options are scheduled for consideration during a City Commission Workshop on April 10, 2023.

For more information about the P3 process, download the infographic or visit NorthPortFL.gov/WMSPMasterPlan.

Hurricane Ian recovery progress

Efforts to reopen Warm Mineral Springs Park are in process and the park is anticipated to reopen no later than April 7. Visit NorthPortFL.gov/WarmMineralSpringsPark for more information.