Have We Reached “Peak Idiocracy” Yet?


Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay


Have We Reached “Peak Idiocracy” Yet?

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


We should all be absolutely horrified by what has happened to our society.  Everywhere you look, people seem to be going completely and utterly nuts.  Once upon a time, the crazy people were a very small segment of the population that could be easily ignored.  But now the lunatics are literally running the asylum.  If you doubt this, just look at our statehouses around the nation and the current crop of politicians that we have in Washington.  Sadly, the truth is that the people that are representing us are a very accurate reflection of what we have become as a nation.  We truly have become a raging “idiocracy”, and the rest of the world is literally laughing at us.

Men like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln once guided our nation from the White House, but now we have an incoherent babbler leading us who literally doesn’t know where he is half the time…


And what do you think the first vice-president of the United States, John Adams, would have thought of Kamala Harris?

We should all be greatly alarmed that this woman is just one heartbeat away from the presidency…



Of course I don’t mean to suggest that the general population is on some sort of a higher level than our politicians.

At this point, our society has degenerated so much that we literally entertain ourselves by watching grown men slap the living daylights out of one another



One expert that has reviewed footage from the Power Slap League says that participating in this “sport” is “one of the stupidest things you can do”

Some slap-fighting beatdowns have gone viral, including a video from eastern Europe showing a man who continues to compete even as half of his face swells to seemingly twice its size. Such exposure has led to questions about the safety of slap fighting, particularly the risk of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, a degenerative brain disease believed to be caused by repeated blows to the head. A former chairman of the commission, which regulates combat sports in Nevada, says approving the league was a mistake.

Chris Nowinski, cofounder and CEO of the Concussion Legacy Foundation, agrees, calling slap fighting “one of the stupidest things you can do.”

I would agree with that assessment.

But it isn’t just our entertainment that has become highly uncivilized.

Literally, all you have to do is to walk down the street to see how uncivilized our major cities have now become…




And each generation seems to be getting increasingly worse.

In the old days, you would never see a pack of wild kids terrorize a restaurant like this

A ‘wolfpack’ of teenage vandals ripped a Chinese restaurant in New York apart on Saturday night, leaving around $20,000 in damage, with staff saying they are increasingly unsafe as crime continues to plague the city.

Shocking footage shows over a dozen masked youths on a rampage through Fish Village restaurant in Queens shortly after 8.15pm as diners were eating their dinner.

The mob, who took an elevator up to the third floor to get to the eatery, caused utter destruction as they flipped tables and chairs in the frenzied attack which was said to have lasted less than a minute.

Words alone simply cannot convey the full horror of this incident.

If you have not seen it yet, I would very much encourage you to watch the video footage




This happened in New York City.

It was once one of the greatest cities on the entire planet, but now it is a nightmare.

100 years ago, the Big Apple was such a civilized place.

But now it has become a war zone.

I wish that I could tell you that there is hope for the future, but the truth is that the “leaders of tomorrow” are incredibly dazed and confused.

For example, just check out this young chap that believes that “farming needs to stop” because it is one of the primary drivers of “climate change”…



Where in the world does he think his food comes from?

If there is no farming, there is no food.

Our young people are so messed up, and that has very serious implications for our future.

It isn’t an accident that our society has degenerated so rapidly.

Decades of incredibly foolish decisions have gotten us to this point, and time is running out to get this mess cleaned up.



***It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “End Times” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***


About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “End Times” is now available on Amazon.com.  In addition to my new book I have written six other books that are available on Amazon.com including “7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending copies as gifts to family and friends.  Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is definitely a great help.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.