City of Sarasota: We observed Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday; no change to garbage collection schedule


City Hall to observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday;


City of Sarasota: We observed Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday; no change to garbage collection schedule

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


City of Sarasota, FL (Jan. 9, 2023):  City administrative offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 16, in recognition of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday.

Garbage, recycling and yard waste collection schedules will not be affected by the holiday.

Hours of operation at recreation and cultural facilities will also be affected:

The regular City Commission meeting will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17, in the Commission Chambers at City Hall, 1565 First St.

For more information on garbage and recycling collection, contact the Solid Waste Division at 941-365-7651.