Video: Fauci Blames Trump For China’s COVID Cover Up

by Steve Watson

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


he overlord of science Anthony Fauci blamed President Trump Sunday for China’s continued obfuscation of the origins of COVID, claiming that it was Trump’s “anti-China approach” that encouraged the Communist state to be non-cooperative.


Now that he has retired, Anthony Fauci is devoting even more time to his favourite hobby, appearing on the news, shilling for China, and telling people to get booster shots.

In his latest appearance on CBS’ Face The Nation, Fauci declared “What happens is that if you look at the anti-China approach, that clearly the Trump administration had right from the very beginning, and the accusatory nature, the Chinese are going to flinch back and say, Oh, I’m sorry, we’re not going to talk to you about it, which is not correct. They should be.”


“I think that horse is out of the barn, and they’re very suspicious of anybody trying to accuse them,” Fauci continued, adding “We need to have an open dialogue with their scientists and our scientists, keep the politics out of it. And let the scientists- because these are scientists that we’ve known for decades, and we’ve collaborated with them.”




He also blamed Republicans for politicising COVID and claimed he has “never been” political:


Fauci also claimed that China often “acts secretive” even “when there’s nothing at all to hide,” citing the SARS-CoV-1 outbreak in the early 2000s as one example.

That would be the outbreak that China tried to underplay and cover up then.

CBS host Margaret Brennan asked Fauci if he “agrees with that word cover-up?” to which he responded “I don’t know what that means.”

“I’m not sure what they’re talking about. I mean, if cover-up is not allowing people to come in and look at all the data, that’s not a cover, that’s not being transparent,” he further stated.


In a separate interview on NBC, Fauci repeated the claim that China always acts secretive and weird… nothing new to see here.

“Even when there’s nothing to hide they act in a suspicious, non-transparent way just probably because they don’t want to make it look like there’s a blame,” Fauci proclaimed.


During both interviews, Fauci shilled for more booster vaccines, claiming that multiple shots every year will be needed, and we are still in a pandemic.

And don’t forget to test everyone before dinner…

He also said he “doesn’t know” if schools will shut down again:

Finally Fauci, bragged that now the Republicans don’t have control over the Senate, an investigation of him led by Rand Paul is “not going to happen.”

Meanwhile, over at ABC, the latest Biden COVID minion Ashish Jha was asked “what do you do?” in response to the fact that “People aren’t listening” when being told by Fauci and others to get booster shots.




As we noted last week, Jha says he really believes that “God gave you two arms” so you can be injected with both the COVID booster and the Flu shot.




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