Facebook decided to just delete my original scoop Facebook page, after it was hacked. Like my new page so that you can continue to get the news and scoop, by clicking — >> here
Several videos from the Family friendly Gay Pride event in Venice, FL with pole dancing, dildo ring toss, and some provocative dancing
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
Below are several videos from the Venice Pride festival, which is billed as kid friendly. As you will see in the video’s kids are in attendance and this is at Centennial Park in Venice, which is right in the middle of the downtown area.
Oddly enough, Nick Pachota was just elected mayor and under Jack Brill and Pat Neal influence there were about $50k in mailings and text telling people that Nick was the conservative candidate, and I was a Democrat in disguise. Let this be a lesson to the Republican voters, next time research candidates instead of going with the Republican choice because there are ulterior motives behind their choices. The City Manager is basically in charge, but the events get signed off on by the mayor. If the mayor is not in town, which was the norm with Ron Feinsod, then the Vice Mayor signs off on the event. Nick Pachota is the Vice Mayor or was….. However, any council member could have stood up and put a stop or parameters in place with this event and they either chose not to or they were ignored.
I can tell you that I support individual rights, but do not feel that pole dancing or dildo ring tossing should be taking place in Downton Venice. – Frankie
All pictures and videos are courtesy of Kayden Cokley. He is putting together a montage of all events and other videos. Once he has it all together, I will share them.
Like I said, Kayden spent the day out there and I encourage all of you to like his youtube video. A report directly from his youtube is below or click — >>> here

All pictures and videos are courtesy of Kayden Cokley. He is putting together a montage of all events and other videos. Once he has it all together, I will share them.
All pictures and videos are courtesy of Kayden Cokley. He is putting together a montage of all events and other videos. Once he has it all together, I will share them.

All pictures and videos are courtesy of Kayden Cokley. He is putting together a montage of all events and other videos. Once he has it all together, I will share them.

From my Instagram, which is getting a lot of comments