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City of Venice statement on last Saturday’s Pride Festival

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC




This past Saturday, the Venice Pride Festival was held in Centennial Park from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This was not a City sponsored or hosted event. Rather, it was organized and hosted by Venice Pride Inc., which obtained a special event permit for it due to the use of public property.


This was the first time this event was conducted on City property. It was presented to the City as an event which would be suitable for all ages with an objective to “build collaboration around community.”


The City was very disappointed to learn that some of the actual event activities did not align with the approved event description. The City of Venice was not informed of and did not approve the details of these activities.


The City has begun reviewing and updating its special event rules and conduct standards to ensure that all future special events are appropriate for the planned location and are conducted as presented in the special event permit application.



Several videos from the Family friendly Gay Pride event in Venice, FL with pole dancing, dildo ring toss, and some provocative dancing