City of Venice contractor completes storm debris pickups
City of Venice contractor completes storm debris pickups
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
City of Venice Hurricane Ian debris hauling contractor Crowder Gulf has finished their final pass of debris pickups throughout the City after 45 days of work. Nearly 140,000 cubic yards of storm debris, both vegetation and C&D (construction & demolition), has been collected since Oct. 5. The debris collection occurred throughout all City of Venice public streets, City parks and some gated neighborhoods that chose to participate.
The debris impacts from Hurricane Ian were of a scale that has never been experienced by this community before. The City would like to thank all of the residents, neighborhoods and staff who worked together to make this extensive cleanup effort so successful.
Crowder Gulf is now hauling out the “reduced” or mulched materials and C&D from the City debris site at Wellfield Park until the end of the day Tuesday, Nov. 22. The contractor will break for Thanksgiving and resume hauling materials away from Wellfield on Monday, Nov. 28. Mulch is transported to an area composting facility; C&D to a transfer station.
While all major debris has been collected, the City understands there may be storm-related debris in some areas that still needs collection. City residents can contact Public Works at 941-486-2422 to schedule a bulk pickup of these materials.