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Venetian Club mayoral and city council forum for the City of Venice

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


It was a good forum last night. I am hearing that I did well in the forum. They appreciated that at the end I could have asked Nick a question that would have caused controversy and decided not to at the end. They like my response to the questions and the fact that I did not hold back.


On Nick, he made three comments that are concerning. He said he is for revising the LDR and welcomes working on them, yet Rachel and him are the two that wanted attorneys to block the petition. He said that the LDR’s are a living breathing thing that always changes. That may explain why the always change it when the developer requests it. He said the attorney was hired to see what the cities options were. Nick said that if they vote against growth, they will be sued and that obviously plays a roll in his voting. Nick did preface the fact that he is for sustainable growth, but the voters were wondering how when his voting record does not reflect that approach.


Lastly, he said if he wins, he will get out and talk to the people versus relying on the cities communication methods (phone, email, council meetings). All I could think is, you didn’t do that during your first three years, why the change?


Funny note. A person wrote me today about drinking water. They complimented me for going into great detail covering my platform on my website. The individual noted that there is nothing on Nick’s site about his platform. 🙂


The next and last forum is tonight at Waterford. I will stream it if my wife goes with me, otherwise I will not have a camera operator and will not be able to stream. 🙂


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