City of Venice started vegetative debris collection services on public streets

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City of Venice started vegetative debris collection services on public streets

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC




On Monday, the City of Venice resumed normal residential solid waste and recycling collection for City customers.

Today, the City contractor has actively started vegetative debris collection services on City public streets, beginning with the hardest hit areas. The City is working diligently with its debris hauling and monitoring contractors to remove storm debris in the most efficient and effective manner possible and in compliance with the FEMA guidelines.

Currently, the City is authorized to collect debris on City owned rights-of-way, public parks, hazardous leaning and hanging trees in public areas, and some non-gated, single-family communities.

The costs of debris collection and removal from private roadways in gated subdivisions, condominiums and commercial properties are currently NOT eligible for reimbursement under the Federal Emergency Management Agency Public Assistance Program, and these properties are encourage to utilize private insurance and contractors for these services. The City will be submitting a special exception request to FEMA to allow for collection within gated single-family subdivisions and will keep the public updated on that progress.

This first phase of vegetative debris collection will take 30-40 days and the hauler will be making additional passes as necessary to collect any remaining items. Thank you so much for your patience as we work together to recover from this widespread disaster event.