The Numbers Tell Us That Americans Are Rapidly Losing Hope As We Head Toward 2023

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Image by Michal Fošenbauer from Pixabay


The Numbers Tell Us That Americans Are Rapidly Losing Hope As We Head Toward 2023

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


If you have hope, you can make it through just about anything that life throws your way.  Unfortunately, survey after survey is telling us that the American people are increasingly losing hope.  Conditions are steadily getting worse in this country, and there isn’t much confidence that our current crop of leaders can turn things around any time soon.  In fact, most people appear to believe that things will be even worse in 2023.  If that turns out to be the case, will our country be able to handle that?

Earlier today, I was stunned to learn that a brand new survey that was just conducted by NBC News has found that a whopping 74 percent of all Americans currently believe that the nation is on the wrong track…

Nearly three-quarters of Americans think the United States is heading in the wrong direction under President Joe Biden, according to yet another bad poll for the president ahead of the midterm elections.

Despite grappling with low favorability ratings for much of his first term already, Biden’s popularity experienced a deep downturn in recent months amid growing pessimism over the economy.

Now, a whopping 74 percent of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, while just 21 percent feel the nation is headed in the right direction, according to a new survey from NBC News.

And that same survey also discovered that a solid majority of Americans are convinced that this country’s best days are now in the past…

It found more than half of the respondents — 58 percent — feel ‘more worried that America’s best years may already be behind us,’ with just 35 percent thinking the best years are yet to come.

Prior to the Biden administration, we never saw numbers that were anywhere close to this dismal.

And even in Biden’s first year much of the population was still generally optimistic about the future.

But now something has changed, and it isn’t just in the political realm.

According to a new Gallup poll, the percentage of U.S. adults that are personally “thriving” has hit the lowest level in 18 months

The percentage of U.S. adults estimated to be thriving has steadily declined since it reached a record high of 59.2% in June 2021. The latest estimate of 51.2% is an 18-month low. The lowest recorded thriving rate of 46.4% was measured twice — first, in November 2008 amid the Great Recession, and second, in late April 2020, during the initial economic shutdown associated with the outbreak of COVID-19 in the U.S.


So why are people so negative about things these days?

Needless to say, the economy is a big factor.  Inflation is out of control, the housing market is starting to crash, GDP has contracted for two quarters in a row and big companies all over America are starting to lay off workers.

But economic conditions aren’t even that bad yet.

If you think that things are bad now, just wait until we get to 2023 and beyond.

In addition to a crumbling economy, another big reason for the widespread malaise in this country right now is the fact that our culture is visibly deteriorating all around us.


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