Venice Resident: Can you please do something about the volume of air traffic flying over the island from the Venice airport.
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
From: jay [email protected]> Subject: Venice airport
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2022 11:29:09 AM To: City Council <
Can you please do something about the volume of air traffic flying over the island from the Venice airport. I have lived here close to 10 years and the volume continues to increase. They fly low over the houses of Golden Beach from early in the morning to late at night. Many pilots pay no attention to the rules that were instituted a number of years ago trying to get them to go out over the gulf and come in from there.
The noise generated by the aircraft as well as the helicopters at times exceeds 80 db which is not good for anyones hearing. I know that you want to put in a tower but I am not convinced this will alleviate the problem. My fear is that more jets will be landing here and we will be seeing more traffic.
One solution is to move the airport off the island to a less populated area. The current land might be used for parks, not condominiums or homes, as well as another 9 holes for the golf course. Another option is to regulate how much traffic comes in and out of the airport, times that traffic is allowed to access the airport and which runways they use. Along with this, noise abatement regulations must be instituted