Chaos at the Sarasota County school board after public comments covering a book at Riverview covering a girls perspective about being raped

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC





When a person goes to sign up to speak, they fill out the speaker card at the beginning before the meeting which I know you know


Well there was an agenda sitting on the table outside with the cop and if you want to speak in the first half of public comment you have to speak on an “agenda item”


When I went to sign up I was looking at the agenda that was on the sign up table that a cop had printed out. I noticed my agenda item wasn’t on there so I pulled up the school website and the agenda they published. They were two different agendas. I showed the cop who was in charge of signing people up and she was like “they always do this to me” they give me the agenda a week out in advance then completely change it


Well under this new policy 2.22 you have to fill out the speaker card correctly or you don’t speak.


So, the public hearing begins and we hear Alexis Spiglemen read a book that’s at Riverview that describes from a girl’s perspective about getting raped. You will have to go watch that because I don’t even want to repeat the details



So, we all were getting upset but then tom ended public comment. Michelle pozzi and Melissa Radovich’s still haven’t spoken yet.


We informed them: “hey tom you skipped over 2 people”


And he said “you guys didn’t fill out your card correctly “
Yes so the school board provided the agenda to the deputy’s a week ago. The deputy’s are in charge of signing up speakers and provide a paper copy of the agenda to refer to while signing up. The majority of the board or superintendent added additional items to the agenda within the past week without giving an updated copy to the deputies therefore 3 parents were unable to speak because their item number/topic did not match the agenda item. It matched the old agenda that the deputy’s provided. A way to silence parents


That is when Tom demanded a 5 minute break and then adjourned the meeting, without finishing the agenda items.