“I Saw An Endless Barrage Of Missiles Being Fired At Israel During What Seemed To Be A Major War In The Middle East”

“I Saw An Endless Barrage Of Missiles Being Fired At Israel During What Seemed To Be A Major War In The Middle East”
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
Will we soon witness a war in the Middle East that is unlike anything that we have ever seen before in all of human history? In this article, I am going to share something with you that is very personal. All throughout my life, I have been shown things that will happen in the future. Much of the time, the things that I would be shown were for me or for people close to me. I would be shown an event or a moment in time or something that would happen, and later on things would transpire just as God had showed them to me. When I was growing up, I just assumed that this was a natural thing and that everyone had these sorts of experiences. Of course there are lots and lots of people having these sorts of experiences, but our society generally frowns upon such things, and so many choose to keep very quiet about them.
Personally, I have always tended to be quite hesitant to share things that I am shown, but that has started to change over the past few years. When I see something that is obviously meant for me or for someone close to me, I am only going to share it with those that I believe that the Lord wants me to share it with. But when I am shown something about national or world events that I believe the Lord wants me to share more broadly, at those times I will share what I see with the general public.
I don’t know why, but there are times when I am shown things about the nation of Israel. For example, I wasn’t shown anything about the last presidential election in the United States, but I was shown that Naftali Bennett would become the next prime minister of Israel, and that is precisely what happened.
With all that being said, I would like to share what I was shown about Israel on the morning of April 17th, 2022.
This was an experience that I had while asleep, but it was qualitatively different from a normal dream. Those that have similar experiences know what I am talking about.
In this experience, I saw an endless barrage of missiles being fired at Israel during what seemed to be a major war in the Middle East. The missiles were being launched in rapid fire fashion, and it kind of reminded me of some of the footage that I have seen from Ukraine.
I did not see where the missiles landed. I also did not see the death and destruction that they caused.
Of course Israel has very advanced anti-missile systems, and so perhaps a lot of these missiles were being intercepted. I was not shown any of that.
My perspective was from the side of those firing the missiles. It appeared to me that the goal was to inflict as much damage upon Israel as possible.
These missiles were not being fired from a vast distance away. Rather, they all seemed to be coming from other nations or terror groups in the Middle East.
And in my dream I had the impression that there were more missiles pointed at the land of Israel than anywhere else on the globe.
I am a researcher, and so after I awoke I wanted to try to find some information that backed up what I just saw. According to an article that was published by an Israeli news source earlier this year, Hezbollah “is believed to have over 150,000 missiles”…
Hezbollah is believed to have over 150,000 missiles, but only a small number of them can be guided to specific sites. Israel fears in a future war that the terror group could use a barrage of precision missiles to attack sensitive facilities and overwhelm its air defense array.
In the past, I have seen other sources estimate that Hezbollah actually has 180,000 missiles.
But everyone agrees that it is a huge number.
And it has also been reported that Hezbollah is now “manufacturing its own drones”…
Nasrallah also claimed the Iran-backed terror group has begun manufacturing its own drones. The group has flown dozens of small drones into Israel in recent years, apparently for surveillance purposes. A security source said last month that at least some of the drones Hezbollah used were ordinary, commercially available devices.
So Hezbollah alone could certainly send a seemingly endless barrage at Israel in a future conflict.
In the south, Hamas also has an impressive array of weapons, but of course they are not nearly as strong as Hezbollah.