Nancy Pelosi Says GOP Reps. Need To “Shut Up” About Dead U.S. Troops In Afghanistan

by Steve Watson

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


Nancy Pelosi has said that Republican representatives who have a problem with Biden’s failure in Afghanistan need to “shut up.”


Pelosi was referring specifically to reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert who both heckled Joe Biden during his gaffe filled squinty eyed State of The Union address.

Boebert couldn’t take any more of Biden talking about dead troops in a jingoistic fashion and when he said the “waste of war” put soldiers “in a flag draped coffin,” Boebert yelled out “THIRTEEN OF THEM,” referring to the troops who died during Biden’s catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan.





Pelosi, who was seen rubbing her hands in glee and unable to remain seated as Joe Biden spoke about sick and dying U.S. troops, said Thursday “Let me just say this. I agree with what Sen. Lindsey Graham said: ‘Shut up.’ That’s what he said to them. I think they should just shut up,” referring to the two GOP reps.



Boebert responded to Pelosi, asserting she will not “shut up”:




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