North Port:  Network issues will delay the regularly scheduled utility bills 



North Port:  Network issues will delay the regularly scheduled utility bills

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


City of North Port

North Port Utilities will not be issuing hard copy customer bills at the regularly scheduled time due to network issues. Additionally, no shut offs will be performed and late fees will not be charged during this unique situation. If desired, customers can make payments through the Drive-Thru (cash, check, or money order), online, or by phone. Payments will be credited and remain pending on your account until the network issues are resolved.
To make a payment on your utilities account, please call 1-855-941-4636 or visit our online payment page on our website:
In the interim, if you have an emergency such as a water main break or a sewer back up please call 941-627-2867 directly. Additionally, you may utilize the North RePort/SeeClickFix platform to communicate with Utilities to report an issue or submit an inquiry. Please visit: