City of North Port named a Tree City USAA once again
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
City of North Port
We are excited to once again be named a Tree City USA. We take pride in the dozens of green spaces our City boasts. The City’s Tree Ordinance is in the process of being updated to be even more effective and inclusive of tree protection. The City Arborist, along with our Neighborhood Development Services, Public Works, and Parks & Recreation Departments are all working on plans to manage/replenish our community’s tree inventory. This includes projects throughout the city of North Port, including our parks, city-owned property and on public rights of way.
This is our 22nd year with the title of Tree City USA. The title is meant to encourage, support and strengthen effective urban forestry programs in diverse communities nationwide. For 22 years the City has worked hard to promote responsible growth and development including those principles adopted by the Arbor Day Foundation.
Want to learn more about our environmental services? Visit:…/cit…/building/arborist