Now get rid of your mandates, Joe: DeSantis, Noem and host of Republicans demanding Biden get rid of ‘useless’ rules


Photo: pixabay, lawjr

Now get rid of your mandates, Joe: DeSantis, Noem and host of Republicans demanding Biden get rid of ‘useless’ rules

by Daily Mail

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



Florida Governor Ron DeSantis wants President Joe Biden to scrap his ‘useless’ vaccine mandates after he told the leaders of 25 states that there is ‘no federal solution’ to the COVID-19 pandemic, his office said on Tuesday.


The Republican governors of Florida, South Dakota, Arizona and Texas plus a host of other GOP figures are calling on Biden to drop his sweeping vaccine order affecting a third of the American workforce, as well as his other nationwide COVID rules, following his comment.

Out of the four just Arizona Governor Doug Ducey participated in the call.


DeSantis’ spokesperson told that the president is ‘abdicating responsibility and shifting blame’ to the states.


‘More Americans have died of COVID-19 under Biden than under Trump. Now that Biden has admitted to the nation that he has no plan to “shut down the virus,” and that there is “no federal solution,” we expect him to withdraw the unconstitutional and useless federal vaccine mandates,’ DeSantis’ office said.


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