Mayor of Venice finds the planning commission’s decisions to be questionable, especially when it comes to joining the CLG
Mayor of Venice finds the planning commission’s decisions to be questionable, especially when it comes to joining the CLG
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
Hi Mike,
I really do not understand their reasoning. After attending planning commission meetings for a year I find many of their decisions to be questionable. I fail to understand their reasoning for not recommending the city become a member of the CLG. I fail to understand many of their decisions when it comes to the recommendations of the environmental advisory board. I see no valid reason for them recommending raising building heights in our historic downtown district.
I contacted the CLG and made arrangements for one of their people to come and speak before city Council at our second meeting in January. I am hoping that I can find support from at least three other councilmembers for the city of Venice to join the CLG.
Our cities history is perhaps the most valuable asset that we have and protecting it should be one of the most important decisions this counsel makes. I heard you and all other residents of the city of Venice to contact each councilmember individually.
Mayor Ron Feinsod
From: Mike W [email protected]> Subject: Fwd: Venice Gondolier E-Edition. Venice is in no rush to get certified Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2021 4:57:14 PM To: Ron Feinsod <
> > Mayor: > > Any idea why Venice and particularly it’s Planning commission is reluctant to get this CLG crrtification.? Seems like it would give COV access to grant money as well as letting COV determine what it wants to consider historical. Since I arrived here 8 years ago, all I ever hear about development is that the COV has no control over its stuff. The State controls every thing it does. This looks like a great opportunity to take control of an issue that protects our past from a very questionable future of mega development. > Mike W