Photo: City of Sarasota, Lofts on Lemon, an affordable and workforce housing development, is now under construction in Sarasota.


Joint Affordable Housing Advisory Committee votes to move forward with action item recommendations  | City of Sarasota

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



City of Sarasota, FL:  The Sarasota Consortium Affordable Housing Advisory Committee has voted on the Local Affordable Housing Incentive Strategy recommendations to address affordable housing needs throughout Sarasota County.


At its final meeting of the year Monday, Aug. 23, the committee reviewed the 12 required topics and made its recommendations on items related to funding, design and development of affordable housing projects, which included:

  • Modifying impact fee requirements for affordable housing projects
  • Allowing flexibility in densities for affordable housing
  • Allowing affordable accessory residential units
  • Reducing parking and setback requirements for affordable housing
  • Supporting development near transportation hubs and major employment centers
  • Preparing a printed inventory of locally owned public lands suitable for affordable housing


The committee’s recommendations on the Local Affordable Housing Incentive Strategy will be presented to the City of Sarasota Commission and the Sarasota County Board of County Commissioners later this fall for selection and adoption.


In 2007, the Florida state legislature amended the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) program to require each municipality and county receiving SHIP funds to establish an Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. The committee is required to meet every year and examines how local governments can reduce the cost of housing by eliminating or modifying local regulations that make housing less affordable.


The Sarasota Consortium Affordable Housing Advisory Committee consists of elected officials from the City of Sarasota and Sarasota County, various individuals representing stakeholder groups such as the building industry, banking, real estate, affordable housing providers and community advocates.


“There’s clearly a critical need for available workforce housing in Sarasota,” said Mayor Hagen Brody, the City Commission’s representative on the committee. “I appreciate all of our committee members who worked so diligently over the last several months to come up with some concrete steps that will make it easier for folks to live in this community they contribute so much to.”


“Sarasota County continues to partner with the City of Sarasota, business and non-profit organizations to create a housing market that meets the needs of families and individuals from all walks of life,” said Sarasota County Commissioner Nancy Detert, who represents the Sarasota County Commission on the committee. “The committee’s action on Aug. 23 is another step forward for the county and our partners in reaching affordable housing goals and priorities.”


To learn more about affordable housing initiatives or the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee, visit