City of Venice revises their suspension of special events

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC


City of Venice special events UPDATE 8/27


Accordingly, the staff has endorsed the application and forwarded it to the Mayor for execution. The Mayor has indicated he will execute the contract.


For the upcoming craft festival, the addition of defined safety protocols adds a significant risk reduction to patrons and workers. We are appreciative of the collaboration of Venice MainStreet and CEO Kara Morgan to codify the safety plan. Based on the conversations with the County Health Officer and experience of the special event coordinators, like Venice MainStreet, the City has a safety protocol template to apply to future event applicants and will use a similar review process for future special event applications. As special events vary significantly in size and dimension, the necessary safety protocols can be scaled to match the appropriate level of health and safety standards.


Also under review for September is a special events road race application. Although smaller in scale, the applicant has included a very well-developed and protective safety plan for participants and workers.


For future events, based on discussions with event coordinators, incorporating elements of former successful special event safety plans, and adopting the recommendations of the County Health Officer, the City has models that can be used in consort with special event applicants to design a safe and protective event venue.


Venice City Manager Ed Lavallee