Sarasota: Mechanical failure leads to a 35,000 gallons sewage overflow into a storm water ditch
Sarasota: Mechanical failure leads to a 35,000 gallons sewage overflow into a storm water ditch
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
Pursuant to Section 403.077, F.S., the Department of Environmental Protection has received the following Public Notice of Pollution for a reportable release. All information displayed was submitted by the reporting party.
Type of Notice: Initial Report
Date of Notice: 07/26/2021
Incident Information
Name of Incident: 4938 Camphor Ave 072621
State Watch Office Case Number: 3997
Start of Incident: 07/26/2021 08:30
End of Incident: 07/26/2021 11:00
Incident Description
County utility crews responded to a call regarding a sanitary sewer overflow at a manhole in front of 4938 Camphor Ave. Upon investigation, staff discovered an air release valve (ARV) had a mechanical failure and was leaking sanitary sewage. Approximately 35,000 gallons of sewage overflowed into a stormwater ditch which flowed into Red Bug Slough Lake. Approximately 10,000 gallons were recovered. Sampling has already begun. Clean-up and notifications are proceeding per protocol. The ARV will be scheduled for replacement. The mechanical failure that was seen on this ARV is similar to another recent event. County staff is working with the manufacturer to determine a possible solution to prevent future incidents.
Incident Location
Facility/Installation Name: Bee Ridge WRF Service Area
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
State: FL
Zip Code:
Coordinates (in decimal degrees):
Lat: 27.281031799274345, Long: -82.50927347825657
Click to view Incident Location
Impacted Counties: Sarasota
Incident Reported By
Name: Danny Young
Title: Supervisor
Phone: (941) 861-6790
E-mail Address: [email protected]
On-Site Contact
Name: Patricia Nihart
Phone: (941) 861-6790
E-mail Address: [email protected]
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Public Notice of Pollution
Florida Department of Environmental Protection