City offices reopen Wednesday as Elsa passes  | City of Sarasota




City offices reopen Wednesday as Elsa passes  | City of Sarasota

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



City of Sarasota, FL:  City administrative offices will reopen to the public Wednesday as the threat from Hurricane Elsa passes.


The regular City Commission meeting will proceed as scheduled at 6 p.m. Wednesday at City Hall, 1565 1st St.


Trash, recycling and yard waste collections for City customers will resume as scheduled Wednesday. Canceled pickups from Tuesday will be collected on Saturday, July 10.


Summer camp programs hosted by the City of Sarasota Parks and Recreation District will also resume Wednesday.


For more information on garbage and recycling collection, contact the Solid Waste Division at 941-365-7651. For additional information, contact the City at 941-263-6000 or visit