City of Venice declares a state of emergency
City of Venice declares a state of emergency
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
WHEREAS, Section 252.38(3)(a), Florida Statutes, gives authority to political subdivisions to declare and enact a State of Local Emergency for a period of up to seven (7) days and to take certain measures that are in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare; and
WHEREAS, the City of Venice is in imminent danger from Tropical Storm Elsa; and
WHEREAS, these conditions constitute a potential life threatening situation for the citizens and visitors to the City of Venice and are expected to continue for some undefined period of time; and
WHEREAS, the City of Venice has a municipal emergency management program, entitled “The City of Venice Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan” (“Plan”); and
WHEREAS, the purpose of this Executive Order is to implement the Plan and authorize all city officers, employees, and agents to perform their respective duties, functions, and obligations as set forth in such Plan, the State Emergency Management Act and the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement, and all other legal authority, under the general direction and control of the Incident Commander, as set forth in such Plan and law.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Edward F. Lavallee, City Manager of the City of Venice, hereby issue the following Executive Orders:
- A State of Local Emergency is hereby declared as of July 5, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. and the City of Venice Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan is hereby
- Pursuant to Section 252.38(3)(a)5., Florida Statutes, the City has the power and authority to waive the procedures and formalities otherwise required by law pertaining to:
- Performance of public work and taking whatever prudent action is necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the
- Entering into
- Incurring
- Employment of permanent and temporary
- Utilization of volunteer
- Rental of
- Acquisition and distribution, with or without compensation, of supplies, materials, and
- Appropriation and expenditure of public
- For purposes of city union contracts (AFSCME, FOP, and IAFF), this State of Local Emergency shall be deemed a state of emergency pursuant to Chapter 26 of the city
- All City buildings will be closed to the public on Tuesday, July 6,
- The Local State of Emergency shall remain in effect for a period of seven (7) days unless extended or cancelled before such time expires.
- Nothing herein shall be construed to conflict with applicable provisions of state law or the Sarasota County Comprehensive Emergency Management
DONE AND ORDERED this 5th day of July, 2021, at Venice, Florida.