City of North Port approves budget amendment for the initial Warm Mineral Springs construction 




City of North Port approves budget amendment for the initial Warm Mineral Springs construction

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



City of North Port


During today’s Regular City Commission meeting, the City Commission approved the second reading for the budget amendment for the funding of the initial construction phase of the Warm Mineral Springs Park Master Plan (12200 San Servando Ave.) This includes the historic restoration of the existing buildings and improvements to utility infrastructure and the parking lot.


Once completed and approved, the Request for Bid for the initial construction phase will be posted for a minimum of 30 days. Responses will be evaluated, and the lowest qualified responsible bid will be brought forward to Commission with a recommendation for award.


“We’re excited about the future of Warm Mineral Springs Park and look forward to restoring the historically significant buildings and implementing much needed utility infrastructure and parking lot improvements,” said Sandy Pfundheller, Director of Parks & Recreation. “This project is even more imperative as the recent structural damage due to Hurricane Elsa resulted in closure of the spa building. Staff hope that initial construction work will begin before the end of the year.”


About the Warm Mineral Springs Park Master Plan:
The Master Plan was adopted by the City Commission in April of 2019 and includes a comprehensive analysis of the entire 81.6-acre park. It provides recommendations for future services and amenities to be implemented in phases, pending available funding sources and Commission approval. The plan includes future walking trails, lookout towers and canopy walk, an education center, plaza/market area, picnic pavilions, updated utilities, and improved parking.


For more information about the Warm Mineral Springs Park Master Plan, visit ➡…/warm-mineral-springs….