Viral Video: Doctor Exposes COVID Vaccines During Ohio Statehouse Testimony




Viral Video: Doctor Exposes COVID Vaccines During Ohio Statehouse Testimony

by Kelen McBreen
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



During Tuesday’s Ohio House Health Committee hearing on House Bill 248, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny exposed the dangers of COVID vaccines in footage that was viewed nearly 3 million times in 24 hours.


Testifying in favor of a bill that would prohibit businesses or the Ohio government from requiring vaccinations, Tenpenny cited the federal government’s VAERS database as one reason to be wary of the experimental jab.

“If you can think of any other product in any other industry that has killed more 5,000 people, stated in the VAERS database, and even if only half of those are true, 2,500 deaths in 6 months of use and it’s still full-court press, full-steam ahead… So it makes one wonder why?” the doctor stated.

During another part of the testimony, Tenpenny mentioned the phenomenon of vaccinated people appearing to be magnetized.


“I’m sure you’ve seen the pictures all over the internet of people who have had these shots and now they’re magnetized,” she told lawmakers. “They can put a key on their forehead. It sticks. They can put spoons and forks all over them and they can stick, because now we think that there’s a metal piece to that.”


Tenpenny also said some people have hypothesized 5G towers could be interfacing with technology put into people’s bodies via the COVID shots.


She admits that a connection between 5G and COVID vaccines is “not proven yet,” but she tries to explain scientists are working to figure out why magnetization is appearing to take place.

Of course, mainstream media is attacking the doctor, claiming she “tells lawmakers COVID-19 vaccine can leave people magnetized, interfaced with 5G towers,” instead of admitting she proposed these ideas as hypotheses.


For example, NBC 4 Columbus ran a report claiming Tenpenny told lawmakers the vaccine interfaces with 5G.


They even claim Russian disinformation is responsible for the theory that 5G could possibly harm the immune system.



Meanwhile, videos are constantly being uploaded to the internet showing people shocked to find metal objects and magnets sticking to their bodies, yet mainstream media calls these false claims.


See just a few examples below.


One of the best examples to date is a recent man-on-the-street experiment where the Liberty Broadcast crew hit famous 6th Street in Austin, Texas to see if a newly-purchased magnet would stick to vaccinated volunteers.