North Port June 16 Budget workshops outcome

North Port June 16 Budget workshops outcome
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
Tuesday, June 16 Budget workshops. Here’s my summary of DAY 2, it was a busy one! 

The City received $2,022,700 in CARES Act funding. We distributed $1,052,000 to the general fund and $970,000 to the Fire District Fund. The Fire District fund will use their funds to complete the Fire Training Tower and the renovations to Station 81. So far, the General Fund is going to use money for computer replacements, Station 81 renovations and the balance will be determined in the July workshops.
The City has received just over $4.2M from the American Rescue Plan Act. This money can only be used for certain expenses. We decided to use $3.4M to design, permit and construct the water and sewer lines to the north segment of I-75 and Toledo Blade commercial property sites. We also put $800,000 into the project for the north segment of I-75 and Sumter commercial property sites. This balance of the funds needed for the I-75/Sumter project will be fully funded once we receive next year’s ARPA funds.
Utilities Department will have the new water plant operational in mid-2022, which requires personnel and operating expenses. A new rate analysis will be completed in FY 22. There will be a 4% rate increase to water and a 2% rate increase to sewer charges.
During the Fire District budget presentation we learned Station 86 will be operational in April, 2022 and this North Port facility will cohabitate with Sarasota County. A new ambulance, 3 firefighter/EMS and 3 firefighter paramedics will be hired in FY 22 due to the increased calls for service out of Station 82. We will apply for a Safer Grant, but we need to budget the money in case the grant is not approved. There is a proposed 5% increase to the Fire District assessment.
We discussed water testing of the canals, stormwater ponds and the creek to determine the level of pollutants. There will be an agenda item to discuss this further in July. It is estimated the testing will cost $37,000/year.
Road and Drainage District is requesting a 2% rate increase, which will bring in about $268,000 additional revenue. HOWEVER, we were able to cut about $175,000 by removing or postponing requested budget proposals and trimming existing expenses.
As much as everyone likes seeing the holiday ornaments on 41 those things are expensive! They cost $23,000 and we still don’t know if FDOT will approve us to use their poles. We pulled this entire amount from the budget. FYI — holiday decorations are put up on Sumter and Toledo Blade!
We did something quite unusual. Last year Code Enforcement requested another position. However, due to budget woes of 2020, it was declined. This position was NOT requested in this budget. However the commission agreed another Code Enforcement officer was necessary.
Here are some mind blowing statistics shared during the Neighborhood Development Services presentation — In FY 22, they expect over 1,800 new homes will have certificate of occupancies issued and over 382,000 sqft of new commercial space will be coming to our growing city!
Parks and Rec we cut $5,000 in repairs to the “Royal Restroom” at the department’s request since they just found out the parts are obsolete. We will be installing fencing around the perimeter of Dallas White park to help reduce the vandalism.
Solid Waste is proposing a $5 increase to their assessment. A commercial rate study will be conducted to ensure residential customers are not subsidizing commercial customers. The last study was completed almost 10 years ago.