Fauci Reportedly Briefed Health Leaders in 2020 of Potential ‘Lab Leak’ of ‘Unusual’ COVID Strain
Fauci Reportedly Briefed Health Leaders in 2020 of Potential ‘Lab Leak’ of ‘Unusual’ COVID Strain
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
Republican lawmakers have called for Anthony Fauci to be fired for having “blood on his hands”, and demanded that he testify before congressional committees and provide information related to the origins of COVID-19 amid a trove of emails, released by BuzzFeed, dating back to the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.
As a flurry of media reports of late have revived speculations regarding the “lab leak” theory, which suggests that COVID-19 was an engineered pathogen, the former head of the Food and Drug Administration, Scott Gottlieb, has claimed that Dr. Anthony Fauci had not entirely dismissed the notion last year.
The chief medical adviser to the US president had briefed world leaders in 2020 on the possibility that the novel coronavirus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, said Gottlieb, when appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday.