CBS Reporter Announces On Air She Will Blow Whistle on Network to Project Veritas Over “Discrimination”




CBS Reporter Announces On Air She Will Blow Whistle on Network to Project Veritas Over “Discrimination”

by Jamie White
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



Another local reporter announced live on air that she intends to blow the whistle on her network to Project Veritas, this time for “discrimination.”


CBS 62 meteorologist April Moss interrupted her weather report by informing the audience she will meet with Project Veritas to expose “discrimination” that “CBS is enforcing upon its employees.”

“And speaking of a brand new week, I will be sitting down this week with Project Veritas to discuss the discrimination that CBS is enforcing upon its employees,” Moss said Sunday.



“Tune into Project Veritas for my full story,” she added, before resuming her weather report.


This comes just a week after Fox 26 reporter Ivory Hecker was suspended after announcing on-air her intention to blow the whistle on her network to Project Veritas for corruption and “muzzling” her on important stories.


“What’s happening within Fox Corp is an operation of prioritizing corporate interests above the viewer’s interest and, therefore, operating in a deceptive way,” Hecker told PV. “Fox came at my throat for standing up against censorship.”


“There’s a narrative. Yes, it is unspoken. But if you accidentally step outside the narrative, if you don’t sense what that narrative is and go with it, there will be grave consequences for you.”