As Police Brace For A “Summer Of Violence”, Murder Rates Are Absolutely Exploding All Over America  


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As Police Brace For A “Summer Of Violence”, Murder Rates Are Absolutely Exploding All Over America

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



It appears that the violence in major U.S. cities is about to escalate even further.  Summer is usually the worst season for violent crime in America, and authorities are openly warning us that a “summer of violence” is approaching.  But at this point it is difficult to imagine things getting worse because we are already in the midst of a horrific crime wave.  According to the New York Times, homicide rates were up by an average of “more than 30 percent” in 2020, and on average they are up “another 24 percent” so far in 2021.  Never before in U.S. history have we seen homicide rates rise so quickly on a nationwide basis.

Sadly, it appears that George Floyd’s tragic death was the spark that set off this crime wave.  If you doubt this, just check out these numbers from Chicago


The year before Mr. Floyd’s death — from May 25, 2019, to May 25, 2020 — there were 2,885 shootings in Chicago that resulted in 521 deaths. From May 25, 2020, to May 25, 2021, there were 818 deaths from 4,562 shootings, an increase of almost 60 percent in both categories, according to Christopher Herrmann, a professor of law and police science at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.


You would think that things would settle down after a while, but homicide rates all over the nation have surged even higher here in 2021.


For example, the homicide rate in Houston is up 27 percent so far in 2021…


On Friday, the city had a total of 178 homicides for 2021, according to HPD. That number is a 27% increase from 2020.


Now, with 10 more so far this weekend, the number is on the brink of 190.

“It’s not going to get better anytime soon,” said Mike Knox, Houston City Council Member and Vice-Chair of the council committee.


In other large cities, things are even worse.


In Los Angeles County, the homicide rate has risen more than 95 percent up to this point in the year…


LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva has bad news about crime.


“So, for crime statistics, we don’t have good news – unfortunately. We’re looking at a 95.24% increase in homicides. That is comparing the same time frame this year to that time frame in 2020.” Villanueva says many other types of violent crimes are also up, including aggravated assault up 13% and grand theft auto up 40%


Sheriff Villanueva accuses the Board of Supervisors of not addressing the issue and called it an ‘existential threat’.


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