Where to Get Expert Advice for an Uncertain Future 


Image by Jackie Ramirez from Pixabay



Where to Get Expert Advice for an Uncertain Future – The Organic Prepper

Daisy Luther
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



Let’s be honest. Things have gone to heck in a handbasket for a whole lot of people since the Covid crisis started, and whether you think the virus is a scam or not, the end results are the same.


  • We’ve been locked down and our businesses closed.
  • Many, many people have lost their livelihoods and been forced to rely on paltry government handouts
  • We’ve been isolated from our loved ones
  • People are dying alone, surrounded by strangers
  • Women are giving birth the same way
  • Health choices are becoming mandated
  • A “papers please” society is looming
  • People are being shamed for the personal medical choices (What HIPPA?)
  • Our economy is buckling under the pressure
  • The supply chain has demonstrated how incredibly fragile it is
  • The education system is crumbling
  • Our infrastructure has been proven more than once to be vulnerable to cyber-attacks
  • The US government is not showing strong leadership in the world arena
  • The healthcare system is overwhelmed and a lot of people are missing essential treatment due to to the fear of Covid
  • We’re facing a mental health crisis of epic proportions
  • Americans are being turned against one another, us vs. them, politically, with regard to health, and racially
  • Cities have been burning for over a year now and it shows no sign of stopping


Things are not looking good.


Everybody keeps optimistically talking about “getting back to normal” or even worse, the “new normal,” like it’s happening tomorrow. Meanwhile, to those of us who are truly paying attention and seeing things as they are, the actual situation is not really looking better.


What do we do now?

The writers here at The OP and I have written reams on handling the current, slow-burning SHTF we’re facing, and it’s great advice, but it’s not enough. Things are just too big right now to rely on anyone less than the utmost experts in other fields than survival and preparedness.

Toby, Selco, and I have taken part in a documentary series called Endgame that discusses all the things I just mentioned. In my opinion, it’s probably the most important interview I’ve ever done and I’ll tell you why.


The company making the series has pulled experts from all different arenas to address the topics that are most on our minds.

  • For those of us with investments or retirement funds, what should we be doing with our money?
  • What do we need to know about real estate and property rights?
  • How do we get prepared for the looming shortages and civil unrest that is ahead?
  • How do we improve our mindsets to adapt to the coming changes?
  • What is the best way to educate our children now that the school system has gone full-on indoctrination if the schools are running at all?
  • How can we improve our health so we are less likely to need to avail ourselves of an overwhelmed system?
  • How do we find out the truth about what is going on and why?
  • How can we be less dependent on the grid and the system?


I’m truly overwhelmed to be a part of this. You’ll get these answers and more so that you can make the plans that suit your family the best. Best of all, you can register now to watch it for FREE if you sign up now before it begins to air on May 25th. It’s my understanding that if you sign up later, you’ll have to pay to watch it.