Watch As Sarasota Police Officers Begin Training On Wearing Body-Worn Cameras 




Watch As Sarasota Police Officers Begin Training On Wearing Body-Worn Cameras

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC





Uniformed officers with the Sarasota Police Department are beginning to wear the Axon 3 and Axon Flex 2 body worn cameras. Training for uniformed officers began April 21, 2021, and is expected to be completed by the end of May 2021 with a complete rollout anticipated by the end of June 2021. In October 2020, City of Sarasota Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the body worn camera program. At that time, the Sarasota Police Department committed to rolling out the program by July 2021.


As officers complete a 6-hour training class on the body worn cameras, they will begin to wear them as part of their daily uniform. 122 body worn cameras are in the process of being issued to uniformed officers as they complete training on the Axon Body 3 camera. 32 of the Axon Flex 2 body worn cameras will be issued to members who are on Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) and members of the Emergency Response Team (ERT). This is a total of 154 cameras.


“This is a technological journey our agency is beginning,” said Chief Jim Rieser. “These cameras will objectively be able to record officer-citizen contacts and critical incidents in real-time and will enhance the accuracy of officer reports and testimony in court. These body worn cameras are another tool our officers will have that will allow us maximum transparency within our community,” said Chief Rieser.


Overall expenses for the program, which include body worn cameras, tasers, training, personnel, and associated software and hardware with unlimited storage of case recordings, are estimated to cost $3.2-million over five years. Body worn cameras will be worn on or near the chest of each officer, clipped into a holder mid-shirt. Officers will be required to activate their body worn camera as soon as they are assigned for any calls for service or at the onset of all self-initiated investigatory contacts, once safe to do so.