People Are Literally Eating Rotten Meat To Get High  


Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay



People Are Literally Eating Rotten Meat To Get High

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



Would you eat rotting, decaying meat if it would give you a good buzz?  Yes, I know that sounds absolutely crazy, but people are actually doing this.  In fact, people are doing all kinds of really stupid things in our society today.  America has become an “idiocracy” that is full of people that must have other people do their thinking for them because they can’t seem to think for themselves.  At this point, much of the population can barely function in our society because their reading, writing and math skills are so low.  Last month, we learned that a high school student in Baltimore with a 0.13 grade point average was still near the top half of his class.  Our public school system has completely and utterly failed, and it is time for all of us to admit that fact.

But even without a public school education, people should still be able to function on a very basic level in our society.


So why are we making the idiots in the film “Idiocracy” looks like a bunch of extremely intelligent super-geniuses?


Earlier today, I was absolutely horrified to learn that one of the latest trends is for young people to literally eat “chunks of rotten, raw meat” in order to get high…


PEOPLE are forcing down chunks of rotten, raw meat in a bid to get high in the latest bizarre social media trend.


Coronavirus lockdowns have driven some people to attempt strange challenges but doctors have warned that this latest trend could cause serious illness.


I’m sorry, but you have got to be pretty far gone in order to try something like this.


These morons don’t even cook the meat before eating it.  Instead, they just “eat the grey flesh raw”.


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