Chelsea Clinton Calls For Global Crackdown On “Anti-Vax” Social Media Posts

Chelsea Clinton Calls For Global Crackdown On “Anti-Vax” Social Media Posts
by Zero Hedge
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
Speaking at a Vatican-organized conference meant to promote “open dialogue”, Chelsea Clinton called for a global effort to crack down on all “anti-vax” social media posts, or anything that’s ‘skeptical’ of the official narrative.
The statement, made in a pre-recorded segment that featured questions for the erstwhile first daughter, Clinton was asked to respond to a query about “vaccine hesitancy” and what can be done to encourage wider vaccine adoption.
Clinton chose to opine about limiting freedom of speech and cracking down on social media posts, but didn’t touch the issue of access and the ongoing debate about waiving IP protections for COVID-19 vaccines, something the White House recently said it would support, even as much of the developed world opposes the plan (even if the EU signaled that it’s open to discuss it).
“I personally very strongly believe there has to be more intensive and intentional and coordinated global regulation of the content on social media platforms,” she said.
“We know that the most popular video across all of Latin America for the last few weeks that now has tens of millions of views is just an anti-vax, anti-science screed that YouTube has just refused to take down.”