Biden Is Being Hailed As An “Economic Success” For Helping To Cause Rampant Inflation And Widespread Shortages


Image by BarBus from Pixabay



Biden Is Being Hailed As An “Economic Success” For Helping To Cause Rampant Inflation And Widespread Shortages

Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



No matter what Joe Biden does, the corporate media is going to try to spin it into some sort of a success.  Right now, the U.S. is experiencing a problem with inflation that is on par with what we witnessed during the Jimmy Carter years of the 1970s.  And at this moment, we are facing persistent widespread shortages that are unlike anything that I have seen in my entire lifetime.  In fact, Bloomberg is openly admitting that “the world economy is suddenly running low on everything”.  But instead of denouncing the decisions that got us into this giant mess, the corporate media is attempting to frame our current circumstances as evidence that Joe Biden’s policies have been successful.


For example, today I came across a CNN article that openly acknowledged that “prices are surging”…


It’s time to sound the inflation alarm inside the White House.


From used cars and gasoline to lumber and food, prices are surging. The return of inflation, after a decades-long absence, is squeezing families and businesses recovering from the pandemic.


But instead of pointing out the economic mistakes that Joe Biden has made, that very same article claimed that rampant inflation is “evidence” that Biden’s policies are working as intended


In many ways, higher prices can be seen as evidence that President Joe Biden’s economic and health policies are working.


Using the standard that CNN is using, the Weimar Republic would be considered the greatest economy that the world has ever seen.


Rampant inflation is not a good thing.  Anyone that lived through the 1970s will tell you that.


Let me share a couple of charts with you that will help to explain why inflation is wildly out of control.  This first one shows the growth of M2…


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