Amherst Students Suspended For Not Wearing Masks Outside Campus




Amherst Students Suspended For Not Wearing Masks Outside Campus

by Paul Joseph Watson
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



Three students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst were suspended for a whole semester at a cost of $16,000 dollars each after administrators discovered a photo of them partying without masks even though it happened off campus and was outdoors.


Parents of one of the girls who was suspended fought back by alerting the media, pointing out the hypocrisy of the UMass Amherst Hockey Team celebrating their national championship on campus without some of the team members wearing masks.

“There was a photo sent to the administration of these girls outside off campus on a Saturday. This is why they lost a whole semester of their schooling,” said Kristin, the girl’s mother.


Theresa, whose daughter was also suspended, told, CBSN Boston, “She was valedictorian and class president of her high school. She did everything right.”


However, when asked, several of the other students at the university supported the decision to suspend the girls.


“The town of Amherst made it really clear they don’t want any big parties,” said one.



The three girls were even cut off from remote learning and told they will have to re-apply for next semester, meaning their parents have wasted $16,000 dollars on a lost year.

UMass Amherst released a statement reminding students that there were “consequences for not complying” with health mandates.


“One little thing happens and you’re out? Like not even like a don’t do it again, here’s some probation,” Teresa said.


The families involved say they have hired a lawyer and plan to file a lawsuit against the university.


This is yet another taste of how the Communist-style social credit score system will unfold in America.


Any infraction against arbitrary rules imposed for the “common good,” no matter how pedantic, will be met with swift and severe life consequences that will impact the violator for years to come.





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