Why Have UFO Sightings More Than Doubled Over The Last Two Years?
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC
Did you know that the number of reported UFO sightings has increased dramatically over the past two years? I didn’t realize this either until I looked up the numbers. Of course the skeptics will always find a way to explain away any facts that they do not like, but to me it appears that something very unusual is happening. According to the New York Times, more than 7,200 sightings were reported to the National UFO Reporting Center in 2020, and that represented an increase of “about 1,000” from the year before…
Sightings of unidentified objects in 2020 nearly doubled in New York from the previous year, to about 300, according to data compiled by the National U.F.O. Reporting Center. They also rose by about 1,000 nationwide, to more than 7,200 sightings.
Of course that same New York Times article blames COVID for the rise in sightings.
We are being told that people had more free time on their hands in 2020 because of COVID.
And we are also being told that people spent more time looking up into the sky in 2020 because of COVID.
These days, COVID is being blamed for just about everything, and so it seems kind of natural to blame COVID for the increase in UFO sightings too.
And I almost started to believe the New York Times until I came across the numbers for the previous year.
It turns out that the increase in UFO sightings during 2019 was even greater than the increase that we witnessed during 2020…
There was a rise in the number of North Americans who looked up into the sky in 2019 and found something that didn’t look like a bird or a plane.
The National UFO Reporting Center, which tracks calls and messages from people around the U.S. and Canada about strange sightings in the sky, reported that it received 5,971 sightings in 2019 — a jump from 3,395 in 2018.
There was no COVID pandemic in the U.S. in 2019.
So why did the number of sightings rise by more than 2,500 during that year?
Overall, the number of UFO sightings has more than doubled over the past two years.
That seems rather noteworthy, doesn’t it?