Video: Senator and Doctor Rand Paul Demands Fauci Be ‘Removed From TV For Fear Mongering’

by Steve Watson
Francesco Abbruzzino, The Uncensored Report, LLC



Appearing on Fox Business Tuesday, Senator Rand Paul made an impassioned plea for Anthony Fauci to be taken off the airwaves for continually ‘fear mongering’.


Paul claimed that Fauci has ceaselessly made claims that are not “matched by the science of his own institute.”

“I so much think Dr. Fauci should be voluntarily removed from TV because what he says is such a disservice, and such fear-mongering,” Paul urged.



The Senator pointed in particular to comments made by Fauci earlier this week when he claimed that Americans should still not be socialising together indoors, even if they have been fully vaccinated, comments that contradict CDC findings that vaccinated people cannot transmit the virus.


Paul called Fauci’s demands “ridiculous”, “against the science,” and charged that Fauci could also be “discouraging people” from getting vaccinated.


“People want a reward, rewards work, and your reward if you get the vaccine is you can live your life again, you’re not going to get it or transmit it to people, the likelihood is very, very small, and the risk is such that you could probably go back to living a normal life,” Paul stated.


“So he needs to quit dictating to the entire world how to live and let us make our own decisions,” the Senator urged.


Earlier this week Paul called Fauci a “petty tyrant,” accusing the White House medical advisor of  ignoring “100 years of vaccine science”.



The Senator also urged Americans to get vaccinated “if you think you need or want it” and then to throw away the masks and reclaim freedom:



Paul has repeatedly clashed with Fauci over the latter’s obsession with masks and lack of clarity on the science of the COVID pandemic.


Most recently, two weeks ago, Paul urged Fauci to follow the CDC’s latest findings that the vaccinated do not carry the virus:



The Senator clashed with Fauci last month, telling him “You’ve been vaccinated and you parade around in two masks for show. You can’t get it again.”



“There’s virtually zero percent chance you’re going to get it and you’re telling people that have had the vaccine who have immunity — You’re defying everything we know about immunity by telling people to wear masks who have been vaccinated,” Paul charged during the hearing.


Fauci has repeatedly flip flopped on the efficacy of masks, and has admitted that there is little science behind lockdown restrictions.


Nevertheless, Facui still will not drop the mask charade, even suggesting that the world needs to carry on wearing them into 2022, and that children should be wearing them in order to play together, until they are all vaccinated from the age of 6 months old.



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